Built in 1960 as LITTLE TIM, this steel tugboat, now called CAPT KOLLIN, is 47 feet long with a breath of 17 feet and a load draft of seven feet. MPL / WMHS Great Lakes Marine Collection
Donations and Sponsorships Help Make History
Donate to the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society. Help preserve and share our maritime history. WMHS is a volunteer, nonprofit organization working with the Milwaukee Public Library for scientific, literary and educational purposes.
WMHS emphasizes the collection and preservation of materials involving commerce and industry of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway with a focus on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, and the Upper Mississippi River System, as well as the lakes and rivers within Wisconsin.
Your tax-deductible donation may be placed in the Society’s Endowment Fund at the Greater Milwaukee Foundation or in the Society’s Operating Fund — its your choice. For more information about either fund, contact WMHS. Here is a copy of our Pledge Form. WMHS is a 501 (c)3 organization.
Gift of Cash
Your gift is tax deductible. Please consider sending a check payable to the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society, Inc., 814 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233 (in memo line state either Endowment or Operating Fund), or making a gift by PayPal (below), indicate your fund prefernce.
Gift of Stock
Gifts of stock may provide tax benefits. Usually, all that is necessary is to call your broker or financial advisor to make the transfer, and indicate your fund preference, either the Society’s Endowment or Operating Fund. Contact WMHS for more information.
Gift from an IRA
You may give part or all of the required minimum distribution from your IRA, if you are at least 70 1/2 years old. Call your financial advisor or broker to make the tranfer to avoid paying taxes on these funds. Indicate your fund preference, either the Society’s Endowment or Operating Fund. Contact WMHS for more information.
Employer Matching Gift
Your employer may have a matching gift program that will allow you to double your donation to a nonprofit organization. Ask your employer for a qualifying contribution, and indicate your fund preference, either the Society’s Endowment or Operating Fund.
Estate Planning
Consider making provisions for a gift in your estate plan, such as a bequest through your will or trust. (Please note your fund preference, Endowment or Operating Fund.) Contact WMHS for more information.
Gift of Historical Information
The Societyʼs extensive research holdings grew from personal collections that donors accumulated over their lifetimes. Donating your collection of photos, ship logs and other material helps expand and broaden the Society’s archives available to the public. Contact WMHS for more information
Marine Artifacts
These gifts allow the Society to loan artifacts, paintings and photos to organizations, schools and libraries for educational purposes.
Among the artifacts given to the Society for Preservation are:
- Name Boards from Sunken Ships
- The Steering Wheel from the CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS
- A Life Ring (Preserver) from the EDMUND FITZGERALD
- Bells from the CHARLES S. NEFF and the PRINS WILLEM V
- A Magnificent 5-Foot Model of the SS JOHN P. REISS
- A Finely Detailed Model of the PRINS FREDERIK HENDRIK
Contact WMHS for more information
Gift of Membership
Gift a one-year, $50 membership as an anniversary, birthday or holiday gift. See other levels of membership, or send the fee via Paypal.
Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising
Underwriting an event — such as the Societyʼs annual Christmas Dinner, placing an ad on the Society’s website or in the Society’s quarterly newsletter, or sponsoring the Society’s regular digital mailings – will increase your company’s visibility and enhance your corporate image.
For more information, please get in touch with Todd Gordon, WMHS president or Carl Eisenberg, M.D., immediate past president, at wmhs@wmhs.org.