Wisconsin Marine Historical Society

The FITZ Lives On

November 10, 2022
Edmund Fitzgerald 1975

By Suzette Lopez

November 10, 1975 is a date even non sailors recognize.  I am sure most of you reading this are old enough to remember where you were on Tuesday, November 11, 1975.  I have told this story before but I feel it is worth repeating as it is so clear in my mind and I was not a sailor.  I was arriving at the Central Library at 7:30 am, being dropped by my mom who was on her way to work.   As she pulled up to the curb in her 1971 Green Hornet and put the stick in neutral, the radio announcer came on with a news flash.  During the night the 729 foot bulk carrier EDMUND FITZGERALD was presumed to have sunk taking with her a crew of 29.  I remember we just looked at each other.  How could something that big just disappear.   It is still somehow unbelievable.

So over the past 47 years, there have been many stories told of the sinking.  I like to tell how the FITZGERALD lives on in many happy ways, especially with the Great Lakes Marine Collection at Milwaukee’s Central Library.  In fact, some mornings I feel Ernie McSorley is standing in the Humanities Room smiling over the great model of his ship and the Lewandowski painting on the wall.

Some of you may know that Edmund Fitzgerald and then port director Harry Brockel were instrumental in Herman Runge donating his vast marine collection to the Milwaukee Public Library in 1958 which was the beginning of the Great Lakes Marine Collection and the reason the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society was founded.

Fitzgerald along with eleven well-known Milwaukee business men went on to form the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society in 1959.  He became the Society’s first president.   Fitzgerald and the Society were very aggressive in seeking out donations from shipping companies, such as their company flags and histories, as well as adding other collections to Runge’s.  These collections have created a great source of marine history which continues to grow.

The Great Lakes Marine Collection is a joint collection of the Milwaukee Public Library and the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society.  It has vessel files on over 12,000 Great Lakes ships and much, much more.  Some files just have a data sheet of information.  Some have an assortment of photos, newspaper clippings, correspondence, drawings, and/or articles.   The EDMUND FITZGERALD file is contained in two 6 inch wide boxes and contains all of that.  There are many artist prints and plans that do not fit in these boxes.   Also the reference collection is home to numerous books that have been written over the years.

The collection has much on display including the model of the EDMUND FITZGERALD that was made for and given to its namesake upon his retirement from Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co.  This model was to be given to the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society upon Mr. Fitzgerald’s death but his son treasured it as well and kept it in his office and home until his death.  Edmund B. Fitzgerald had his son Greer promise to deliver it to the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society upon his death, and his son did.   On April 12, 2014, there was an unveiling of the model in a newly built case at the entrance of the Humanities Room of the Central Library.  A ceremony was held and a large crowd filled the room.   Many in attendance were relatives of Edmund Fitzgerald, some had traveled from as far away as Australia.

On the east wall of the Humanities Room is a painting of the FITZGERALD by Milwaukee’s Edmund Lewandowski.   It is one of three he painted of the FITZGERALD in different stages of her build.  The others are at Northwestern Mutual and in a private collection.   Lewandowski was also known for his mosaic murals one of which is of St. Luke and stands proudly on the side of St. Luke’s Hospital on Oklahoma Avenue.

Outside the Humanities Room, the large display contains the life ring from the FITZGERALD as well as the bottle used to christen her in 1958.

I like to think that Capt. McSorley and the crew of the FITZGERALD would be proud that we have preserved the beauty of their ship as well as her history above water.  She was the pride of the fleet.


Suzette Lopez is the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Marine Historical Society.

Photo at the top of the page:  EDMUND FITZGERALD summer of 1975. Photo by Bob Campbell.

Other photos:

Entrance to the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room
EDMUND FITZGERALD model at the entrance to the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room
Edmund Fitzgerald with the model  of the EDMUND FITZGERALD that was presented to him at his retirement party
EDMUND FITZGERALD model sitting in its shipping case at the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room
EDMUND FITZGERALD model sitting in its shipping case at the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room
Edmund Lewandowski painting of the EDMUND FITZGERALD located in the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room
Main Street Display outside of the Milwaukee Public Library’s Humanities Room featuring the life ring and christening bottle

PHOTO CREDIT:  Great Lakes Marine Collection of the Milwaukee Public Library and Wisconsin Marine Historical Society

